Prof. Dr. Philipp Hacker

Professor for Law and Ethics of the Digital Society

Prof. Dr. Philipp Hacker, LL.M. (Yale), holds the Research Chair for Law and Ethics of the Digital Society at the European New School of Digital Studies (ENS) at European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder).

His research focuses on the regulation of digital technologies, particularly concerning artificial intelligence. Philipp often collaborates with computer scientists and mathematicians, especially on questions of explainable AI and algorithmic fairness.
For his work, he received several academic prizes, such as the 2020 Science Award of the German Foundation for Law and Computer Science.

He regularly advises national and EU legislators, regulatory agencies, and industry. Philipp co-founded and co-leads the International Expert Consortium on the Regulation, Economics and Computer Science of AI (RECSAI).

Recently, he has been appointed General Editor of the novel, 11-volume AI and Society series published from 2024-2026 by Oxford University Press.

AI and beyond Prof. Dr. Philipp Hacker Portrait

The AI Act is becoming a reality. This is a major challenge for companies if they develop or use AI. At the same time, however, forward-looking compliance also presents a real opportunity. Let's tackle it!

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