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AI and beyond

A strategic approach

AI and beyond

Artificial Intelligence, real impact, serious need for rules

Artificial intelligence, real impact, serious need for rules

Just a good year ago, Generative AI was democratized in way that every internet user can use AI tools such as ChatGPT to simplify many aspects of (work) life. But how do companies need to integrate AI in their business models and strategy? This goes – quite literally – beyond AI, such as: What needs to be taken care of legally before earning the merits of AI-based products?

Responsible AI is key, and ethics play a decisive role to benefit from the technology. Thus, many countries have worked on defining regulations such as the EU with its AI Act, and even OpenAI-CEO Sam Altmann stresses the need for regulation. To obtain the full picture, we aimed to bring it all together: How AI works, what opportunities come with it, and what companies must watch out for so that AI-based products become the sustainable add-on to life just like AI promises when looking at its potential.

Insights & perspectives
As today almost every market environment is characterised by the use of AI technologies, the pressure to get to grips with this is high. But experience in the implementation and utilisation of AI is often still limited. This is where our customised AI Adoption Framework can help to integrate AI technologies systematically and effectively in your organisation. According to our holistic approach AI and beyond we see four central fields of action:
Butterfly Image

How to…

… use AI to generate value for your business?

… optimise business processes and systems for the integration of AI?

… establish a strategic management of data resources as a basis for understanding AI capabilities and use cases

… manage different stakeholders with different perspectives and priorities towards AI adoption in your organisation?

Our Solution

– Creation of AI strategy, providing a structured framework with a clear vision, mission, and business objective alignment towards AI with our AI Navigator.

– AI transformation journey including a roadmap to achieve AI strategy objectives.

– Organizational and technological assessment and responsible change management.

Your Benefit

– Development of a strategic plan for the implementation of AI, including prioritisation of use cases, projects, resource allocation and scheduling, to make sure that all AI initiatives are directly aligned with strategic goals and growth plans.

– Detailed analysis of existing business processes and systems to identify areas with high potential for AI integration.

– Building up competences and knowledge in the area of AI within the company through training courses.

– Implementation of pilot projects to demonstrate the effectiveness and added value of AI solutions in selected business areas.

How to…

… keep pace with upcoming developments, trends and disruptors?

… develop an in-depth understanding of the AI and data opportunities?

… develop customised AI use cases that directly address business challenges and thus increase innovation potential?

Our Solution

– Inspiration: Assessment of the impact of AI on your business and overview of the AI landscape in your industry including identification of easily accessible opportunities with our Trend Radar filled with relevant AI trends or services for your business.

– Ideation: Analysis of future trends in strategic managment scenarios, development of a customised data strategy to drive AI success.

– Practical support: implementation of AI prototypes brings your AI concepts to life.

Your Benefit

– Enablement of new thinking and innovations by using data-centred approaches.

– Facilitated decision-making by considering various scenarios and their outcomes.

– Resilience against future shocks having identified opportunities to innovate and reduced risks.

– Become an industry leader by shaping your AI strategy sustainably

How to…

… create a common understanding throughout employees of what ethics means in relation to AI, the metaverse and respecting use cases?

… avoid ethical missteps that may have a massive impact on a company causing reputational and economic damage?

Our Solution

– Development of a holistic framework incorporating the company values into disruptive technologies, providing various stakeholder of the development and operation with tools and methods to implement trustworthiness, ethics and to mitigate risks throughout the whole technology lifecycle.

– The framework includes an ethical handbook, ethical self-assessments for responsible manager, and robustness self-assessment for data scientists.

Your Benefit

– Work within a holistic corporate framework to minimize personal and corporate risks like reputational damage and liability and to get the best out of AI technology for your innovations at the same time.

– Compliance with the EU AI Regulation: ensuring that all of the company’s AI systems comply with legal requirements.

– Creation of a sustainable, ethically responsible AI strategy that does not hinder innovation, but rather supports and promotes it.

How to…

… overcome existing data silos and prepare employees for an AI-driven corporate environment?

… promote data literacy and employee commitment to using data?

… to promote the comprehensive use of data throughout the company and push cross-functional collaboration?

Our Solution

– Analysis of existing AI capabilities as a starting point for optimising the AI-driven culture.

– Concept for the cultural change including definition of the necessary roles and skills and creation of a detailed training and event plan.

– Provision of advanced analysis tools.

Your Benefit

– Embedding a data-centric and AI-informed mindset with a responsible use of date to enhance agility and innovation.

– Improved decision-making through comprehensive data access and transparency.

– Development of new business models and innovation push through the cross-functional use of data.

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